Москва, ул. Новгородская, д. 1, к. Г, этаж 2, офис 240 (Бизнес-центр «Бизнес-Депо»).

Пешком: метро Алтуфьево, последний вагон из центра, направо, затем налево.



«Dominik Company» LLC 
Address: 127576, Russia, Moscow, Novgorodskaya St., 1, building G, 2 floor, office 240.
Tel/Fax: +7 (495) 231-36-71,
Tel: +7 (495) 772-36-36, +7 (499) 209-42-38

Power of attorney sent by fax are not valid and the goods on him shall not be issued. Entry of vehicles carrying capacity of more than 10 tons of the territory is prohibited from 8.00 am to 19.30